
Design, Engineer, Build: Choosing the Right Control Systems Partner

In the market for control panels but not sure where to start? You’re definitely not alone. Many know they need control panels to stay competitive—but that’s the extent of their knowledge on the subject. We’ve talked about how important the right automation partner is before. We’re bringing it back up for your benefit. It’s imperative…
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How Automation Solves the Talent Gap Problem

In business, planning for what comes next is essential—but it’s definitely one of those things more easily said than done. There’s a trio of aspects necessary for planning to happen: vision, experience, and expert input, whether in-house or outsourced. Plenty of companies have vision—and many among that number have experience, at least when it comes…
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Moving Toward Smart Manufacturing? Get the Right Partners

The growth of digital transformation—the movement of systems to interconnection with IIoT technologies—can be felt along almost every touch point in the production life cycle. For producers, this shift is only going to continue, with a “full steam ahead” move toward smart manufacturing. The right partners make all the difference in ensuring the switch is…
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Safety Stock Calculation and Reducing Supply Chain Risk

The shockwaves felt from the COVID-19 pandemic have left uncertainty in the air—and shelves bare. While it’s an extreme case, panic buying left its imprint on the supply chain, leaving those behind the scenes scrambling to satisfy demand.  The period of panic consumerism born from COVID-19 helped underscore the need for a supply chain safety…
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SCADA Is Changing—Here’s How

When talking about technology, fast-paced change is the name of the game. SCADA is no different. For decades, SCADA has been a critical piece of many automation systems, with the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) only increasing SCADA’s potential value and impact in the automation field. But the increased inclusion of IIoT gives both returns…
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The Difference Between Microcontrollers and PLCs

Look in almost any automated factory today and you’re bound to see machinery running on PLCs (programmable logic controllers). Their rugged durability has made them prime assets on production floors. Another contender, microcontrollers, carry very similar functionality to PLCs—and also have their uses.  But while this small, single-chip computing device has an edge on PLCs…
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Bridging the IT/OT Gap with SCADA

Sometimes it can seem like operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT) live on two separate planets, especially where data retrieval is concerned. But as Industry 4.0 develops, a business’s continued success is tied to how well both OT and IT staff can access data essential for decision-making and efficient plant procedures. SCADA may provide…
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Decentralized Production: The Future of Industry

Crises have a way of shining a light on outdated or problematic modes of doing things, especially in hindsight—but sometimes as they’re ongoing as well. The pandemic caused by COVID-19 provides an excellent example.  As automation production went global, select areas became key production hubs. This centralized production, once thought to buoy process control and…
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Get to Know Our OEM Team

Revere’s spent 30+ years helping our OEM customers grow their businesses with world-class controls solutions. This hasn’t happened because we’re inherently some special organization; rather, it’s because of our people. The teams that make up Revere are our not-so-secret ingredients to success. We’ve got a deep bench of people serving our OEM clients every day,…
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Covering All Your IIoT Bases

When you think about automation, what comes to mind? A robot or machine sensor might. But that’s only part of the picture. Automation involves much more than an individual machine or component: successful automation strategies string across entire operations, tying technologies together. In a nutshell, that’s the purpose of an umbrella IIoT network. And it’s…
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5 Questions a Good Control Systems Integrator Should Answer

Control systems integration calls for both experience and efficiency to ensure a project’s success. Staying under budget, within deadlines, and in line with (or even above) expectations depends on a qualified control systems integrator who knows the keys to successful integration. As you vet prospective control systems specialists, they should answer these core questions.  How…
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Dealing with Disruption as an OEM

As an OEM, you’d like your products to be pushed further, reaching untapped markets and branching out into new brands. But what happens when an unforeseen disruption creates a colossal kink in the supply and service chain? It can lead to massive siphoning of resources, man hours, and revenue. Look no further than COVID-19 for…
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