Case Study

Multi-National Paper Company Upgrades Aging Paper Machine Controls

machines for the production of paper rolls for further processing in a printing plant - recycling of waste paper

Client Overview

A large paper mill had an outdated drive system on all DC drives for their large paper machine. The client’s goal was to reduce maintenance, maintain better machine control and increase speed to generate more paper. Revere’s part of this very large project (that included more than 1,500 on-site contractor employees) was to provide PLC programming for the machine control and drive system interface.

Description of Services Provided:

  • Programmed Allen-Bradley ControlLogix for new redundant PLC
  • Installed machine systems which included new
    • Press Pit Pulper
    • Threader
    • Press Control upgrade
    • Web break and sheet break upgrade
    • Breaker stack and calendar stack
    • Steam box control
    • Unirun controls
    • Reel PLC upgrade
  • Configured redundant Ethernet interface with ABB drive system for all machine interlocks, permissives and commands
  • Conducted pre-outage on-site check-out for 6 weeks prior to planned outage
  • Provided 24 x 7 engineering coverage during entire planned 4-week outage
  • Upgraded PLC hardware and cabinetry
  • Assembled, wired and tested PLC panels
  • Start-up commissioning

Customer Results:

Due to the large number of contractors, coordination and tight schedule adherence was crucial to the success of this project. The project was completed on time and on budget.  The client stated that Revere was flexible and able to adapt to changing needs as they occur in a project and could negotiate a different path when faced with challenges common to a project of this magnitude.